Animal Hydrotherapy is a wonderful and rewarding experience for the owner, animal and therapist. Blue Cube Pools expert knowledge will help you create a lucrative and rewarding hydrotherapy pool. Using specialist filtration systems and chemical systems designed for animal safety. Our team will consider every aspect of your clients whether canine or equine and every other beautiful animal in between. Aspects to consider include swimjets for controlled and variable sessions, treadmills, temperature control, hoists and access.
Whether this is a new venture or you are looking to upgrade your animal hydrotherapy pool, with over 15 years experience our team will design and install a bespoke and truly unique pool. We also offer great maintenance packages to ensure your business runs smoothly. We can clean and replace filter media, service and replace heating and ventilation systems. Advise you on new water treatments and monitor your water chemical balance which will help improve your energy efficiency and running costs.
Animal hydrotherapy has been found to be very beneficial for dogs and other animals with various neurological and orthopaedic conditions, soft tissue injuries. It can also be used to aid weight loss and help with the animals overall fitness. This could be particularly useful for horses who race. Recent research has shown that an animal waking from general anaesthetic experience less discomfort and trauma upon waking in a warm hydrotherapy pool.