What Should I Do If My Pool Water Is Green?

By Blue Cube on Wednesday, 08th Jan 2025 in Tips & Tricks, Trouble Shooting, Troubleshooting - Pools, Water Quality.

Standing looking at a pool of green algae is less than enticing for your morning dip. You’ve walked down to your pool for your morning dip or you’ve just opened up ready for the warmer weather and you are faced with a sea of green. Don’t worry here are our 6 simple steps to get your pool back on track within 24 hours.

Q: What should I do if my pool water is green
  • Clean the pool
  • Backwash the filter (link to FAQ about backwashing)
  • Shock the wool (link to FAQ about shock) + Product link
  • Add algaecide (see product link)
  • Run the filter
  • Test the water + Product Link
Clean the pool

Use a skimmer net to remove surface algae, and a vacuum robot to clean the bottom of the pool. You can also brush the pool walls and floors with a stiff brush to loosen the algae. 

Skimmer Net
Backwash the filter

Backwashing removes contaminants and green water from the filter. 

Shock the pool

A shock treatment disinfects the water. The amount of shock you need depends on the shade of green: 

Teal or light green: Use a double dose of shock 

Dark green: Use a triple dose of shock 

Black: Use a quadruple dose of shock 

Granular Shock
Add algaecide

An algaecide treatment prevents algae from growing back. 

Winter Time Algaecide
Run the filter

Keep the filter running until the water is clear, which can take up to 48 hours. 

Test the water

Test the pH and chlorine levels and rebalance if necessary.

PH Testing Strips

Help my pool water is green!

We are here to help turn your green pool water back to clean and clear. We also offer seasonal services which also help manage and prevent green pool breakouts. Contact us today to get your green pool treated.