Cheap Hot Tubs will cost you more in the long run

By Blue Cube on Friday, 03rd Nov 2017 in News.
How much does it cost to hire a hot tub | Blue Cube Pools

Cheap is not always better especially when it comes to hot tubs

We have all seen those amazing bargains and think wow I can afford to own a hot tub, they may be cheap but we can guarantee that in the long run, it will cost you more both financially and mentally. Your hot tub will be a joy at first, fun times with the family, parties with friends but over time sneaky issues will arise. Now don’t get me wrong not all cheap hot tubs are bad and in many circumstances they can be a well-made model on a great offer or an end of line sale, I’m talking about badly made Chinese hot tubs and spas which are not monitored and often do not meet the correct safety standards, once again not all Chinese hot tubs are badly made but if it seems to go to be true it probably is. We have seen people taken in by amazing deals, all singing, all dancing hot tubs with loads of light and music systems but these options cost money so if you have seen a hot tub for £5000 and something similar but with all the bells and whistles for a similar price then just think about the quality of what is being offered.

Here is how to avoid a bad Hot Tub and the problems you may encounter 

When I talk about sneaky issues I’m referring to the huge surprise you get when you receive your first electricity bill, cheap hot tubs often do not have the amazing energy saving technology which better-made spas do, this is because it costs more to manufacture. Energy saving technology means that you can run your hot tub as much as you like and it will not massively impact your bill, better-built tubs are often highly insulated meaning you save money on keeping it warm. If you are buying a hot tub or spa because you want to truly relax, or you feel it will improve your health (please see our other blog on the health benefits of hot tubs) then you should ensure that your spa contains real hydrotherapy and not simply bubble jets, hydrotherapy has been developed over the years and has been shown to dramatically help those with particular ailments.

One problem that we encounter as a hot tub maintenance and repair company is the inability to find parts for these cheaper Chinese hot tubs, they are often specifically made for these tubs by the manufacturers and are not supplied to the U.K, imagine how angry you would be if your hot tub stopped working and potentially it’s only a small part that needs replacing and you can not do it.

Another issue we see is with the electrics, they are frequently of poorer quality and do not meet European CE standards, many hot tub and spa maintenance companies refuse to do work on these due to the likelihood of continuous faults or potential danger. In these circumstances a full electrical replacement may be required which will cost £1000’s ultimately making the cheap hot tubs overall cost increase dramatically, which is why it would be better to spend a little more, in the beginning, to ensure you get a parts warranty and that you can ensure parts are available. Some Chinese hot tub manufacturers will claim that they contain American made parts, whilst this may be the case these tubs are often put together with a mishmash of parts that have not been safety checked and come without a warranty.

Is it really an American Hot Tub?

Unfortunately, some hot tub sale companies in the U.K import these hot tubs because they are unaware of the exact build of the tub, they are told they contain American parts and have American Acrylic sheets from high profile suppliers but ultimately, they were put together in China and are not made with the due care and diligence of high-end manufacturers and can offer no end of issues for the consumer and the seller.

With all high-end items, we would recommend buying from a reputable sales company with hot tub experience and we would never buy direct from a Chinese supplier, there have been a great number of people who have tried to buy one online, sent a deposit and ultimately receive nothing, their money just disappears. We have been in this industry for over 15 years and have a great deal of experience with all types of hot tubs, spas, and swimspas, we are very select about the products we supply and will only supply tubs that we have had a good personal experience with to ensure our customers have the best hot tub experience. A hot tub or spa is an investment and when it is of good quality and well maintained your hot tub should last you a very long time.

Find It Fix it Hot Tub